Electronic Signature vs. Traditional Signature
Traditional Signature
- You create a contract in MS Word (or a comparable program) and email it for evaluation and approval.
- The reviewer or approver responds by email (approval or rejection decision).
- The contract owner sends a contract to the external party for signature.
- An external party receives the draft via email, then 1) prints it, 2) signs it, 3) scans it, and 4) emails it.
- All four steps are also completed by the internal party.
Electronic Signature (with GCon)
- The contract owner drafts the contract with the editor.
- The contract owner assigns the draft to the approver or reviewer.
- Approver/Reviewer reviews and approves the contract through the system, which notifies the contract owner.
- Both signer get notified for signing the document, they log in and sign the contract.
- Signed docs sent to all parties.